Partnership signed between the International Documentary Festival Visioni dal Mondo and DOK.fest München, Germany’s prestigious documentary film festival

Partnership signed between
the International Documentary Festival Visioni dal Mondo
and DOK.fest München,
Germany’s prestigious documentary film festival
Milan, 17 February 2023. The International Documentary Festival Visioni dal Mondo, the annual appointment with the cinema of reality founded and directed by Francesco Bizzarri and with the artistic direction of Maurizio Nichetti in Milan from 14 to 17 September for its ninth edition, announces the prestigious partnership with DOK.fest München.
Visioni dal Mondo’s partnership with DOK.fest München, one of the most prestigious festivals in Germany, entirely dedicated to documentaries and one of the most relevant platforms for the sector in Europe, comes from the deep sharing and proximity of common mission and values, i.e. creating culture, promoting and spreading the documentary genre as the utmost expression of the narration of reality and an authentic form of art, since documentary cinema is art.
The partnership will see the two Festivals “host” each other, promoting activities, projects and initiatives of the Italian and German documentary worlds.
“We are very happy to announce this collaboration,” – says Francesco Bizzarri, founder and director of Visioni dal Mondo. – “which allows us to offer Italian producers and directors a link to facilitate knowledge and to promote important co-production projects between the two countries“.
“Visioni dal Mondo is the first Italian festival to collaborate with us” – says Adele Kohout, deputy director of DOK.fest München. – “We look very much forward to the exchange of films and expertise in the respective countries as well as experiences which come along with this partnership”.
9th International Documentary Festival ‘Visioni dal Mondo
in Milan from 14 to 17 September