The second edition of the “A Window on the World-Images from Reality (Visioni dal Mondo – Immagini dalla Realtà)” International Documentary Festival will take place in Milan (Italy) from the 5th to the 9th of October 2016 at the UniCredit Pavilion, located in piazza Gae Aulenti 10, near the UniCredit Tower.
The “A Window on the World-Images from Reality (Visioni dal Mondo – Immagini dalla Realtà)” International Documentary Festival is a cinematic art and documentary event that will take place every year and that wants to boost the popularity ot the documentary art, with a special attention given to contemporary stories and to the new italian production.
The “A Window on the World-Images from Reality (Visioni dal Mondo – Immagini dalla Realtà)” International Documentary Festival is organized by UniCredit Pavilion and by the Production Co. FRANKIESHOWBIZ. Additional support is provided by other public and private Institutions, and by private Sponsors. The Main Media Partner is Rai, Media Partners are RaiNews24 and RaiCultura, with the support of Rai Cinema. The Festival enjoys the collaboration of Istituto Luce Cinecittà, Doc/it – Associazione Documentaristi italiani, with the support of Lombardia Film Commission and SIAE, included the most important University of cinema of Milan, IULM, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, IED – Istituto Europeo di Design,Università degli Studi di Milano Dipartimento di Beni Culturali e Ambientali, Civica Scuola di Cinema, Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia.
Technical sponsors Italo and UNA Hotels & Resorts. Thanks to Taxi Drivers. An event Expo in Città. With the patronage of Comune di Milano, Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico and 100autori.
The “A Window on the World-Images from Reality (Visioni dal Mondo – Immagini dalla Realtà)” International Documentary Festival wants to promote the documentary genre as the best cinematic art to report and narrate the world we are living in.
The Festival wants to foster the documentary not only as a current affair reporter but also as an original story teller, as the cinema of the real world, and wants to investigate and report on the most important events of our contemporaneity, understand its changes and give a vision of our future.
The “A Window on the World-Images from Reality (Visioni dal Mondo – Immagini dalla Realtà)” International Documentary Festival wants to narrate universal stories and small little personal stories, with all different accents and colours, from drama to comedy.
The “A Window on the World-Images from Reality (Visioni dal Mondo – Immagini dalla Realtà)” International Documentary Festival wants to dive into the society we are living in, the politics, the economy, the work, the culture, the social issues, but also into our most private emotions, our everyday private life.