Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation is one of the major European centers of research and documentation in the fields of historical, political, economic and social science.
The partnership with the 3rd International Documentary Festival A Window on the World, Images from Reality, scheduled in Milan from 5 to 8 October, will have the new headquarter of Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli in Viale Pasubio 5 as one of the locations of the Festival. The innovative space, in addition to the Unicredit Pavilion, will be the place where the public will be able to examine in depth through the cinema of the real most of the globsl topics. The programme of the 3rd International Documentary Festival A Window on the World, Images from Reality provides for screening open to the public, in the multifunctional room of Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, of a selection of titles from the “International Panorama” section that have been awarded prizes in the International Festivals, and that are Italian premieres.
Ph. ®FilippoRomano